living in a residential community
working together, sharing, growing, inspiring

something for you… ?

Come and meet us at one of our activities


An ecovillage in Belgium?

Do you dream of living in a place with lots of green space around you, healthy air and food from your own garden? Building a resilient and self-sufficient future in connection with others? To be amazed by life surrounding you?

So do we! We are already working on it and welcome new people to realize this dream together!

In the center of the village Borlo in the province of Limburg, we are renovating a centuries old farm, which provides the basis for a social, ecological and future-oriented project: Het Abtshof. We want to create an intergenerational and diverse cohousing community with 13 units and several communal areas such as a large kitchen and common room, workshops, guest rooms,…
We have the ambition to live, work, share, grow and inspire together.

The project is a cooperative and includes, in addition to the buildings and a large barn, a piece of land of 2 ha with a garden, a swimming pond, pasture and agricultural land with a new orchard and vegetable cultivation.

There is further potential to develop activities that fit within the vision such as an ecological agricultural project, packaging free shop, artisanal bakery, woodworking, short-chain-shop…

Is this something for you? Would you like to help build this unique project? Come and meet us at one of our activities – see calendar

More info can be found on our website and Facebook page. You can contact us by mail: The address is: Thewitstraat 17 in 3891 Borlo/Gingelom, reachable by bike or bus 22 from the train station in Landen or in Sint-Truiden.